Posts tagged "depression"


Coping with cancer

January 8th, 2015 Posted by Cancer, Health 0 comments on “Coping with cancer”

The word cancer drives me into an emotional state. My mother was diagnosed with cancer when I was doing my Post Graduation. The mental agony and the psychological stress that the whole family had undergone left us emotionally and physically exhausted. (more…)

Ageing Gracefully with Ayurveda

June 7th, 2014 Posted by Ayurveda, Health 0 comments on “Ageing Gracefully with Ayurveda”

Although Ayurveda originated in India, it has taken the West to discover its merits and bring this precious gem back to us. In the pre-Internet era, not many of us could gain access to Ayurvedic treatment because the centres of healing were, with the exception of Kerala, few and far between. (more…)